Image description. Picture by Rachel Clair at Pexel. Picture is of a white lamb with its nose sniffing the camera. Its nose is blurred but the rest of its face is clear. In the background you can see other sheep but they are out of focus.
Hi I'm Jess
I’m so glad that you have found my website. I had wanted to learn to crochet for many years and had on several occasions tried to learn via YouTube videos but with no success. Then a friend of the family taught me and I fell in love.
I also have a passion for sewing both hand sewing and machine sewing. I think like many people I’m always a bit disappointed with shop bought clothes as they never quite fit the way I want. So I desperately want to make a me made wardrobe.
Being visually impaired/sight impaired has meant that I’ve had specific challenges when embarking on crochet or sewing projects. I want this website to be both a general resource to all yearn crafter’s/fanatics and creators, but also have hints, tips and suggestions to help those with less sight to learn and continue to enjoy yarn crafts.
So I would love for you to come along on my yarn based adventures.